12 research outputs found

    A Scalable Data Dissemination Protocol Based on Vehicles Trajectories Analysis

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    International audienceSince the last decade, the emergence of affordable wireless devices in vehicle ad-hoc networks has been a key step towards improving road safety as well as transport efficiency. Informing vehicles about interesting safety and non-safety events is of key interest. Thus, the design of an efficient data dissemination protocol has been of paramount importance. A careful scrutiny of the pioneering vehicle-to-vehicle data dissemination approaches highlights that geocasting is the most feasible approach for VANET applications, more especially in safety applications, since safety events are of interest mainly to vehicles located within a specific area, commonly called ZOR or Zone Of Relevance, close to the event. Indeed, the most challenging issue in geocast protocols is the definition of the ZOR for a given event dissemination. In this paper, we introduce a new geocast approach, called Data Dissemination Protocol based on Map Splitting (DPMS). The main thrust of DPMS consists of building the zones of relevance through the mining of correlations between vehicles' trajectories and crossed regions. To do so, we rely on the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), which is a method of extracting interesting clusters from relational data. The performed experiments show,that DPMS outperforms its competitors in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Smart Directional Data Aggregation in VANETs

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    International audienceThe ultimate goal of a Traffic Information System (TIS) consists in properly informing vehicles about road traffic conditions in order to reduce traffic jams and consequently CO2 emission while increasing the user comfort. Therefore, the design of an efficient aggregation protocol that combines correlated traffic information like location, speed and direction known as Floating Car Data (FCD) is of paramount importance. In this paper, we introduce a new TIS data aggregation protocol called Smart Directional Data Aggregation (SDDA) able to decrease the network overload while obtaining high accurate information on traffic conditions for large road sections. To this end, we introduce three levels of messages filtering: (i) filtering all FCD messages before the aggregation process based on vehicle directions and road speed limitations, (ii) integrating a suppression technique in the phase of information gathering in order to eliminate the duplicate data, and (iii) aggregating the filtered FCD data and then disseminating it to other vehicles. The performed experiments show that the SDDA outperforms existing approaches in terms of effectiveness and efficiency

    Data Dissemination and Aggregation in Vehicular Adhoc Network

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    Cette thĂšse traite la problĂ©matique de la dissĂ©mination et l’agrĂ©gation des donnĂ©es dans un contexte de rĂ©seaux VANET (Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks). Cette problĂ©matique est fort intĂ©ressante, toujours d’actualitĂ© dans un monde de plus en plus urbanisĂ©. En effet, d’un cĂŽtĂ© la dissĂ©mination permet d’informer les vĂ©hicules mobiles des principaux Ă©vĂ©nements en temps utile, et de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© l’agrĂ©gation permet de rĂ©sumer plusieurs donnĂ©es Ă©manant de sources diffĂ©rentes concernant le mĂȘme Ă©vĂ©nement. Le challenge de la dissĂ©mination consiste Ă  calculer la zone de relevance d’un Ă©vĂ©nement, de dĂ©livrer les messages aux vĂ©hicules de cette zone, et de continuer Ă  dĂ©livrer les messages en continu aux vĂ©hicules de cette zone. Le challenge de l’agrĂ©gation consiste essentiellement Ă  sĂ©lectionner les messages Ă  agrĂ©ger et Ă  qualifier les messages provenant de vĂ©hicules lointains. Pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de dissĂ©mination nous proposons un nouveau protocole de dissĂ©mination des donnĂ©es dans les rĂ©seaux VANET. La principale idĂ©e de ce protocole est basĂ©e sur la dĂ©finition de zones de relevance ZOR (zone of relevance of a rĂ©gion) pour la mesure de l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une zone par rapport Ă  un Ă©vĂšnement donnĂ©, et la dĂ©finition de split Map permettant de dĂ©composer une grande rĂ©gion en un ensemble de ZORs. L’approche de calcul des ZORs est formalisĂ©e, elle est basĂ©e sur les techniques de greedy pour l’extraction de la couverture pertinente. Le protocole de dissĂ©mination prĂ©sentĂ© sous forme de diagramme Flowchart qui rĂ©sumĂ© les activitĂ©s lorsque qu’un vĂ©hicule est en mouvement, un Ă©vĂ©nement est dĂ©tectĂ©. La performance du protocole proposĂ© est Ă©valuĂ©e et comparĂ© au protocole Slotted1-Persistence Ă  travers un environnement de simulations et une topologie rĂ©elle de routes de la ville de Bizerte en Tunisie. Les rĂ©sultats de simulation sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.D’autre part, certaines applications VANET, par exemple le systĂšme d’information de trafic (TIS), nĂ©cessitent une agrĂ©gation de donnĂ©es pour informer les vĂ©hicules des conditions de circulation, ce qui rĂ©duit les embouteillages et par consĂ©quent les Ă©missions de CO2 Par consĂ©quent, la conception d'un protocole d'agrĂ©gation efficace combinant des informations de trafic corrĂ©lĂ©es telles que l'emplacement, la vitesse et la direction, appelĂ©es donnĂ©es flottantes sur les voitures (FCD), pose un problĂšme complexe. Dans cette thĂšse, nous introduisons un nouveau protocole d’agrĂ©gation de donnĂ©es dans un rĂ©seau VANET appelĂ© SDDA (Smart Directional Data Aggregation). Ce protocole est dĂ©diĂ© aussi bien Ă  l’échange de donnĂ©es dans un contexte urbain et autoroutier. Le protocole proposĂ© est basĂ© sur une sĂ©lection des messages Ă  agrĂ©ger. Trois principaux filtres ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s : filtrage basĂ© sur la direction des vĂ©hicules, filtrage basĂ© sur la limitation de vitesse, et filtrage basĂ© sur l’élimination des messages dupliquĂ©s. Trois algorithmes d’agrĂ©gation sont proposĂ©s, ils visent Ă  optimiser l’algorithme de SOTIS. Les trois algorithmes traitent des cas de routes unidirectionnelles, bidirectionnelles et les rĂ©seaux urbains. A l’image du chapitre prĂ©cĂ©dent, la performance des algorithmes proposĂ©s sont Ă©valuĂ©es Ă  travail un travail de simulation et diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.Since the last decade, the emergence of affordable wireless devices in vehicle ad-hoc networks has been a key step towards improving road safety as well as transport efficiency. Informing vehicles about interesting safety and non-safety events is of key interest. Thus, the design of an efficient data dissemination protocol has been of paramount importance. A careful scrutiny of the pioneering vehicle-to-vehicle data dissemination approaches highlights that geocasting is the most feasible approach for VANET applications, more especially in safety applications, since safety events are of interest mainly to vehicles located within a specific area, commonly called ZOR or Zone Of Relevance, close to the event. Indeed, the most challenging issue in geocast protocols is the definition of the ZOR for a given event dissemination. In this thesis, our first contribution introduces a new geocast approach, called Data Dissemination Protocol based on Map Splitting(DPMS). The main thrust of DPMS consists of building the zones of relevance through the mining of correlations between vehicles’ trajectories and crossed regions. To do so, we rely on the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), which is a method of extracting interesting clusters from relational data. The performed experiments show that DPMS outperforms its competitors in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. In another hand, some VANET applications, e.g., Traffic Information System (TIS), require data aggregation in order to inform vehicles about road traffic conditions, which leads to reduce traffic jams and consequently CO2 emission while increasing the user comfort. Therefore, the design of an efficient aggregation protocol that combines correlated traffic information like location, speed and direction known as Floating Car Data (FCD) is a challenging issue. In this thesis, we introduce a new TIS data aggregation protocol called Smart Directional Data Aggregation (SDDA) able to decrease the network overload while obtaining high accurate information on traffic conditions for large road sections. To this end, we introduce three levels of messages filtering: (i) filtering all FCD messages before the aggregation process based on vehicle directions and road speed limitations, (ii) integrating a suppression technique in the phase of information gathering in order to eliminate the duplicate data, and (iii) aggregating the filtered FCD data and then disseminating it to other vehicles. The performed experiments show that the SDDA outperforms existing approaches in terms of effectiveness and efficiency

    Agrégation et dissémination de données dans un réseau véhiculaire VANET.

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    Since the last decade, the emergence of affordable wireless devices in vehicle ad-hoc networks has been a key step towards improving road safety as well as transport efficiency. Informing vehicles about interesting safety and non-safety events is of key interest. Thus, the design ofan efficient data dissemination protocol has been of paramount importance. A careful scrutiny of the pioneering vehicle-to-vehicle data dissemination approaches highlights that geocasting is the most feasible approach for VANET applications, more especially in safety applications,since safety events are of interest mainly to vehicles located within a specific area, commonly called ZOR or Zone Of Relevance, close to the event. Indeed, the most challenging issue in geocast protocols is the definition of the ZOR for a given event dissemination. In this thesis, our first contribution introduces a new geocast approach, called Data Dissemination Protocol based on Map Splitting(DPMS). The main thrust of DPMS consists of building the zones of relevance through the mining of correlations between vehicles’ trajectories and crossed regions. To do so, we rely on the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), which is a method of extracting interesting clusters from relational data. The performed experiments show that DPMS outperforms its competitors in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. In another hand, some VANET applications, e.g., Traffic Information System (TIS), require data aggregation in order to inform vehicles about road traffic conditions, which leads to reduce traffic jams and consequently CO2 emission while increasing the user comfort. Therefore, the design of an efficient aggregation protocol that combines correlated traffic information like location, speed and direction known as Floating Car Data (FCD) is a challenging issue. In this thesis, we introduce a new TIS data aggregation protocol called Smart Directional Data Aggregation (SDDA) able to decrease the network overload while obtaining high accurate information on traffic conditions for large road sections. To this end, we introduce three levels of messages filtering: (i) filtering all FCD messages before the aggregation process based on vehicle directions and road speed limitations, (ii) integrating a suppression technique in the phaseof information gathering in order to eliminate the duplicate data, and (iii) aggregating the filtered FCD data and then disseminating it to other vehicles. The performed experiments show that the SDDA outperforms existing approaches in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.Cette thĂšse traite la problĂ©matique de la dissĂ©mination et l’agrĂ©gation des donnĂ©es dans un contexte de rĂ©seaux VANET (Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks). Cette problĂ©matique est fort intĂ©ressante, toujours d’actualitĂ© dans un monde de plus en plus urbanisĂ©. En effet, d’un cĂŽtĂ© la dissĂ©mination permet d’informer les vĂ©hicules mobiles des principaux Ă©vĂ©nements en temps utile, et de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© l’agrĂ©gation permet de rĂ©sumer plusieurs donnĂ©es Ă©manant de sources diffĂ©rentes concernant le mĂȘme Ă©vĂ©nement. Le challenge de la dissĂ©mination consiste Ă  calculer la zone de relevance d’un Ă©vĂ©nement, de dĂ©livrer les messages aux vĂ©hicules de cette zone, et de continuer Ă  dĂ©livrer les messages en continu aux vĂ©hicules de cette zone. Le challenge de l’agrĂ©gation consiste essentiellement Ă  sĂ©lectionner les messages Ă  agrĂ©ger et Ă  qualifier les messages provenant de vĂ©hicules lointains. Pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de dissĂ©mination nous proposons un nouveau protocole de dissĂ©mination des donnĂ©es dans les rĂ©seaux VANET. La principale idĂ©e de ce protocole est basĂ©e sur la dĂ©finition de zones de relevance ZOR (zone of relevance of a rĂ©gion) pour la mesure de l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une zone par rapport Ă  un Ă©vĂšnement donnĂ©, et la dĂ©finition de split Map permettant de dĂ©composer une grande rĂ©gion en un ensemble de ZORs. L’approche de calcul des ZORs est formalisĂ©e, elle est basĂ©e sur les techniques de greedy pour l’extraction de la couverture pertinente. Le protocole de dissĂ©mination prĂ©sentĂ© sous forme de diagramme Flowchart qui rĂ©sumĂ© les activitĂ©s lorsque qu’un vĂ©hicule est en mouvement, un Ă©vĂ©nement est dĂ©tectĂ©. La performance du protocole proposĂ© est Ă©valuĂ©e et comparĂ© au protocole Slotted1-Persistence Ă  travers un environnement de simulations et une topologie rĂ©elle de routes de la ville de Bizerte en Tunisie. Les rĂ©sultats de simulation sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.D’autre part, certaines applications VANET, par exemple le systĂšme d’information de trafic (TIS), nĂ©cessitent une agrĂ©gation de donnĂ©es pour informer les vĂ©hicules des conditions de circulation, ce qui rĂ©duit les embouteillages et par consĂ©quent les Ă©missions de CO2 Par consĂ©quent, la conception d'un protocole d'agrĂ©gation efficace combinant des informations de trafic corrĂ©lĂ©es telles que l'emplacement, la vitesse et la direction, appelĂ©es donnĂ©es flottantes sur les voitures (FCD), pose un problĂšme complexe. Dans cette thĂšse, nous introduisons un nouveau protocole d’agrĂ©gation de donnĂ©es dans un rĂ©seau VANET appelĂ© SDDA (Smart Directional Data Aggregation). Ce protocole est dĂ©diĂ© aussi bien Ă  l’échange de donnĂ©es dans un contexte urbain et autoroutier. Le protocole proposĂ© est basĂ© sur une sĂ©lection des messages Ă  agrĂ©ger. Trois principaux filtres ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s : filtrage basĂ© sur la direction des vĂ©hicules, filtrage basĂ© sur la limitation de vitesse, et filtrage basĂ© sur l’élimination des messages dupliquĂ©s. Trois algorithmes d’agrĂ©gation sont proposĂ©s, ils visent Ă  optimiser l’algorithme de SOTIS. Les trois algorithmes traitent des cas de routes unidirectionnelles, bidirectionnelles et les rĂ©seaux urbains. A l’image du chapitre prĂ©cĂ©dent, la performance des algorithmes proposĂ©s sont Ă©valuĂ©es Ă  travail un travail de simulation et diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s

    MPC : A RSUs deployment strategy for VANET

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    International audienceA Vehicle AdHoc Network is mainly composed of mobile vehicles and fixed Road Site Units (RSUs). The latter is usually very expensive to deploy and has a crucial role in maintaining the network connectivity. Therefore, the design of an efficient RSU deployment strategy that enables a high coverage ratio and a lower deployment cost has been of paramount importance. In this respect, we introduce in this paper a new spatiotemporal coverage strategy for nonsafety Vehicle AdHoc Network applications like driving assistance and business promotion, called Minimal Mobility Patterns Coverage (MPC). The main thrust of MPC is to (1) depict the mobility patterns of moving vehicles from their trace files and then (2) compute the adequate RSU locations in order to cover the extracted mobility patterns by the minimal possible number of RSUs. To this end, we firstly provide a new method to depict the mobility patterns of vehicles by mining the correlations between the kept track connections of vehicle trajectories versus crossed junctions. Secondly, we introduce a new way to compute the adequate RSU locations through the instantiation of the well‐known problem of extracting minimal transversals of a hypergraph. Experimental results show that our RSUs deployment strategy performs better than baseline strategies

    DPMS: A Swift Data Dissemination Protocol Based on Map Splitting

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    International audienceThe main objective of the VANET networks is to improve road safety as well as transport efficiency through the use of communications technology and the emergence of wireless devices at low cost. Thus, the design of an efficient dissemination protocol, that informs vehicles about interesting safety and nonsafety events, is of paramount importance. The thriving challenge would be to maximize the delivery ratio by avoiding as far as possible the broadcast storm problem. A scrutiny of the literature wealthy number of approaches highlights that all of them fail to fulfill with the "sine qua non" requirements that we introduce. In this paper and to palliate this shortage, we introduce a new infrastructure-less geocast approach, called DPMS (data Dissemination Protocol based on Map Splitting). The main thrust of DPMS stands in reaching a high delivery ratio as well as a high geocast precision by sending messages only to vehicles in the Zone of Relevance (ZOR) with a minimum overhead cost. Carried out experiments showed that DPMS outperforms its competitors in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. \textcopyright 2016 IEEE

    Towards a smarter directional data aggregation in VANETs

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    International audienc